What a nightmare the lock down has been. At Drew Decor we took a more positive approach while we was out of action.
We decided to contact local artists to get involved in some Instagram love. The task was to interpret the Drew Decor logo into their own art style.
So off I went to harass every local artist on Instagram I could find, 100s of messages went out, some artists responded, a lot didn't, some wanted money but this was all about sharing the love, producing a small piece of artwork in their own style of the Drew Decor logo to showcase their work and to have fun with it.
So, for the artists who got back to me and spent their own free time on this, we salute you!
But first lets take a look at the original design of the logo and the story behind it.
I run and own a Painting and Decorating business in Sheffield. I had a website(at the time built by me) social media sites and so on.
Every aspect of my advertising was different, the way each platform looked was different and messy. So I set out to find somebody to re brand me. To create a strong logo that would represent my business and stand out from the rest.
I stumbled across a local guy called Matt Lowe. The reason he stud out to me is that been a former Royal Marines Commando, the slang name we would call somebody in the Royal Navy is Matelot (pronounced mattlow). And the rest is history.
And what a find it was, Matt Lowe Designs have not only produced a stunning logo for my Painting and Decorating company in Sheffield but have created a website along with other design work for example my van signage/t-shirts etc.
Matt Lowe Designs have also created a logo and stunning website for my Wife's business The Drew Decor Store which is a wallpaper, paint and fabric shop in Sheffield.
So with out much of ado here are the designs and art work from the local artist who got onboard with this idea and have spent their own time working hard and producing some magnificent pieces of artwork.
Lets start of with the original design produced by Matt Lowe Designs to see what the artists had to work with..
The original logo
by Matt Lowe

As you can see the logo is strong with a striking colour of bright pink to stand out from the rest. The paint splash represents a crown so you can instantly visualise we are a painting and decorating company with strong standards.
You can contact Matt for your logo and website designs at the link below. Check out his Insta..
James Presscott of Artshacks has really impressed us with his artwork and design. This definitely reflex the style of Artshakes. I am entranced by this artwork, there is so much detail in this, notice the paint brush with the DD (Drew Decor), the paint kettle with the paint dripping out of it, an eye looking at you. Is there another eye maybe winking? A piece of art work that you can get lost in.
Do you want to see more of James Presscotts artwork? Want something creating for yourself, get in contact with him today at ....

Lets take a look at some of James Presscotts artwork. Want a commission? Get in touch with him HERE.
Mardy Bum
Wheres tin 'o' paint? Is it in Shed??
Ian Hudson has sent over his representation of the logo incorporating it onto a paint tin with a paint brush delicately placed on the edge with paint dribbling down the side.
I could definitely see this tucked away on someones shelf in a Sheffielders shed or garage.
Ians style really captures the essence of Sheffield, Na then, pass me paint brush! Wheres tin 'o' paint gone?

Lets take a look at some of Ians work, he produces some amazing family portraits. You can contact him on different platforms here are his links below. Contact him today for a commission.
Uzma Rani
Uzma Rani has worked on this project for us too. She has delivered a lovely piece of artwork. Umzas knowledge of wallpaper designs is showing here with nods towards Cole & Son wallpapers with the famous woods design and palms. Uzma has ran a couple of art workshops in the Drew Decor Store on Ecclesall Road creating various artworks of wallpaper designs which have been popular.
You can contact Uzma Rani for art, prints and commissions at the link below.

Lets take a look at some more Uzma Rani artwork......
Art by Ellison
Here we have a piece of art work sent in by Art by Ellison. A relevant drawing of the current situation. The artist hasn't incorporated the Drew Decor logo here or has he? The virus been punched certainly looks similar to the crown/paint splash on the logo.
Here are the links to Art by Ellison below, check them out.

Lets take a further look into Art by Ellisons style and art work...
Random Matter
Random matter has dropped this one into the inbox. This reflex his dark mysterious and random ways.
It looks as if the artist has taken hold of our Drew Decor logo, dipped it in black paint and thrown it against a wall.
You can check out Random Matter and what he is all about on the links below...

Lets take a look at some of Random Matters instagram posts, sketches and art work..
Otis Matthew
Last but not least is Otis Matthews interpretation of the Drew Decor logo. This one definitely leaves you deep in thought. The colours really pop out on this.
Otis has taken a different angle to the rest of the entries and has interpreted the logo abstractly.
The first one is a blend of gold, black and pink. Gold for the crown, black and pink for the corporate colours. This one is quite mesmerising.
The second one is done on textured wallpaper (nice touch) again a blend of gold, black and pink. Symbolising the crown and black and pink of the corporate colours.
Check out Otis Matthews Instagram page where you can contact him for commissions or just browse.

Lets take a look at a few of Otis Matthews artwork. It was difficult to choose from his instagram page as he has some awesome pieces of art work..
So, I hope you liked this blog post on local artists. Please check out their websites and social media platforms.
Spread the love and follow, like, share and buy their awesome art work.
Stay safe
Richard Drew
Drew Decor
Painters and Decorators of Sheffield