This is generally the best way to strip most wallpapers. Some wallpapers may need a different approach. It is advisable not to use a steam stripper as this may cause more damage to your wall by blowing the plaster off your walls.
1. If the wallpaper is made of vinyl find and loosen a corner of the top layer and pull off. If the wallpaper has been painted or has a texture you may need to strip this layer off with a scraper.

2. Once the top layer has been removed soak the backing paper with warm soapy water, I like to use fairy liquid. Leave this to soak in for several minutes and scrape off. If the backing paper wont scrape off repeat the soaking in process. In some cases, you may need to apply the soaking in process several times.

3. If there are multiple layers keep repeating the soaking in process and scrape all the layers off.

4. Once the surface you are stripping is complete and dry you are then able to prepare and sand down.

5. Sit down and have a nice cup of tea.

Tools that you will need.
1. Bucket
2. Washing up liquid.
3. Warm water.
4. Large brush.
5. Scrapers.
6. Mug/Hot water/T Bag - Yorkshire Tea of course/Milk.
Note: This is generally the best way to strip most wallpapers. Some wallpapers my need a different approach. It is advisable not to use a steam stripper as this may cause more damage to your wall by blowing the plaster off.
And finally.....
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